If you own a dog or even dogs, you might be concerned about the current Corona Virus situation that is affecting us here in Australia as well as a number of other countries.
Many are wondering if their loved pets can be affected by the virus.
Taking into consideration the massive scale of the pandemic and it’s world wide effect, this kind of concern is understandable. Can my dog get sick with Corona virus? Can dogs transmit Corona virus to humans? Wild stories and misinformation can create even more worry. It is important not to listen to rumours and crazy stories on social media. And ALWAYS rely only on factual information received from reliable sources.
This is what we have found from reliable sources, based on current information available:
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services states on their website: 16/03/2020 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/animals.html
“At this time, there is no evidence that companion animals, including pets, can spread COVID-19 or that they might be a source of infection in the United States.”
WHO, The World Health Organisation states on their website, https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
“While there has been one instance of a dog being infected in Hong Kong, to date, there is no evidence that a dog, cat or any pet can transmit COVID-19. COVID-19 is mainly spread through droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently and thoroughly. ”
It seems that we do not have a reason to worry regarding Corona Virus as far as our dear furry four legged friends are concerned. As always, though, we all should look after general hygiene in order to reduce the transmission of ANY diseases, and thus look after our fellow humans and canines.
Is this a good time to buy a dog or introduce a new puppy into your family?
We say yes, and in some ways better than ever, but as always, you must consider your family circumstances in making these desicions. Dogs are not just pets, they are our family members.
Dogs are important for our mental health. Dogs don’t worry about global crisis or financial downturns. They just love you. They cheer you up with funny games and habits. They snuggle up and provide comfort when you feel most down. They force us to step outside, even if it is just in our backyard for some tug-a-war or game of fetch. No wonder they are called “man’s best friend”!
Dogs Online Australia is about creating a trustworthty online platform where you can find a puppy, or an older dog, from a breeder that you trust. Browse available puppies here: https://dogsonlineaustralia.com.au/all-puppies/